By the Way... - Juanita Ingham | Castle Publishing Ltd - Quality books with a positive message

By the Way... What's the worst that can happen? - Juanita Ingham


From New Zealand to India, Vanuatu, Indonesia and elsewhere, God has led Juanita Ingham on a remarkable journey of faith, love and adventure. Here, in her own words, Juanita tells the story of her life - so far.

Working with the sick and needy in Vanuatu, escaping floods - not once, but twice - being overwhelmed and captivated by India, helping with development projects and outreaches around the South Pacific, raising a family, and remaining faithful to following God's hand, Juanita has had a life like none other.

Read this simple yet powerful account of how God has led her into all kinds of adventures that she never dreamed of experiencing.

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ISBN: 9780473364151 (Softcover), 9780473364168 (ePUB), 9780473364175 (Kindle)

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