Paradise Troubled - Katie-Anne Martin
Summary:As a backdrop for this story, which is a sequel to Shadowed by an Angel, we revisit the small town of Shackellby Downes, where newlyweds Eden and Mark Hansen are hoping to start a family. A minor car accident leads to devastating problems for the couple. Tensions rise as they wrestle with escalating difficulties. In its gripping finale, this story will hold the reader spellbound as, with lives at risk, Eden and Mark find themselves in what seems to be an impossible situation. Paradise Troubled is a 'must include' for your personal book collection. Book two of the Shackellby Downes series. Book one here. Printed book: NZ$19.95ISBN: 9780473512651 (Softcover) Other Books of Interest:Shadowed by an Angel - Katie-Anne Martin Where Precious Gems Hide - Katie-Anne Martin Destined to be Loved - Katie-Anne Martin |
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