The Prophetic Seventy Weeks Solved - Stephen Shephard | Castle Publishing Ltd - Quality books with a positive message

The Prophetic Seventy Weeks Solved - Stephen Shephard


The prophecy of Daniel 9 has probably been the most debated passage since the birth of the Church, where virtually every mainstream interpretation has looked outside the biblical canon in order to try and understand its mystery.

Although all have boasted to have solved the prophetic riddle, every one of those interpretations touches only aspects. None have completely aligned to the historical and scriptural facts.

However, new evidence has shown that the answer to this renowned passage has been in the biblical record all along. That is, the understanding of the 'seventy weeks' has been under our noses the entire time, and is foundational for understanding not only the first coming of Jesus Christ, but perhaps all prophecy today.

If you are interested in the subject of prophecy and you are seeking to understand God's predetermined plan, then this is a must read.

Published by Seventy Weeks Ltd. Distributed by Castle.

What They're Saying:

"Stephen believes he has covered all the bases and has solved the riddle that has mystified theologians for centuries. You the reader will need to decide whether he has!"
- John Ward (Between the Covers, Rhema)

About the Author:

   Steve Shephard is a teacher, author and musician, and has been involved in many evangelical productions throughout New Zealand. Stephen has always been interested in the subject of prophecy and eschatology, and graduated in 2010 from Carey Baptist College in Auckland, New Zealand, with a Bachelor in Applied Theology.

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ISBN: 9780473186128 (Softcover), 9780473215613 (ePUB), 9780473215606 (Kindle)

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