Simeon's Prophecy: A Novel - Anne Trevethick | Castle Publishing Ltd - Quality books with a positive message

Simeon's Prophecy: A Novel - Anne Trevethick


She was a girl betrothed, looking forward to her marriage, when early one morning a messenger arrived and changed everything...

Anne Trevethick re-imagines the greatest story ever told, as only a mother could tell it, through the eyes of Mary.

Along a pathway fraught with danger, scandal, adversity, heartache and miracles, Mary carries the knowledge of the true identity of her son.

This book, interwoven with the love of a mother and the love of God, is an earthy and heartfelt story that will capture your emotions and show you Jesus like never before.

We were almost across the wide courtyard when an old man stopped in front of us ... I looked at him carefully. His eyes were kind and his face gentle and, as he took Jesus from my arms, he looked up to Heaven and his words went deep into my heart. 'Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.' The old man then turned to both Joseph and me, staring in wonder, and blessed us; but his next words chilled my heart...

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ISBN: 9780473499990 (Softcover), 9780473500009 (ePUB), 9780473500016 (Kindle)

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